Inholland Composites delivers repair instructables for RAAK MKB

01 Feb 2018

On January 24 the results of a project for an automotive research consortium were presented in Arnhem. In 2015 Inholland Composites joined this consortium initiated by the HAN University of Applied Sciences as part of a partially funded RAAK MKB project Compl-aid. The goal of this project was to investigate repair options for the Dutch car repair shops. This consortium includes participation from the TU Delft, FOCWA and the Universities of Applied Sciences from Amsterdam and Rotterdam. Watch the following 4 minute video to get an impression of the project (includes footage from ACRATS, Carbonherstel and Schadetechniek Haaglanden)

One of the major activities of this project was to validate repaired patches by applying compression after impact (CAI testing). For these many carbon fibre samples were manufactured using the in-house autoclave with prepreg material from Ten Cate. With a special fixture the laminates where then exposed to a load until failure would occur.

This was done for repaired/un-repaired/original laminates. Together with the tension tests on similar samples, this gave enough data to characterise the behaviour of the repair, depending on the repair type.

For easy introduction into composites repair, Inholland Composites developed 6 instructables. These short movies are helpful in case your organisation is confronted with the need for a capability maturity in composites repair. Don’t hesitate to contact us in case you are looking more of these instructables or in case you have an interest in developing this capability.

1. Inspection

2. Repair Strategy

3. Material Removal

4. Applying New Material

5. Curing

6. Validation

Inholland Composites will continue to perform research in the area of composites repair for all applications. Don’t hesitate to contact us in case you are interested to discuss this further.


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